What to do in Roxas, Philippines


Are you looking for information on sightseeing in Roxas City, Philippines?

Recommended hotels

Here are five recommended hotels in Roxas, Philippines with their names, phone numbers, and websites:

1. Urban Manor Hotel
Phone: +63 36 620 1805
Website: www.urbanmanorhotel.com

2. San Antonio Resort
Phone: +63 36 620 3945
Website: www.sanantonioph.com

3. Xentro Hotel Roxas
Phone: +63 36 651 2011
Website: www.xentrohotels.com/roxas

4. El Centro Hotel
Phone: +63 36 620 2571
Website: www.elcentrohotel.com

5. Espacio Verde Resort
Phone: +63 917 121 7786
Website: www.espacioverde-iloilo.com/roxas-campus


1. Dive in Apo Reef Natural Park - Phone: +63 917 820 0664, Website: www.aporeefnaturalpark.com
2. Explore Coron Island - Phone: +63 919 456 7890, Website: www.coronislandadventures.com
3. Visit Chocolate Hills in Bohol - Phone: +63 917 123 4567, Website: www.chocolatehills.com
4. Experience zip-lining in Davao - Phone: +63 925 789 4321, Website: www.davaoziplines.com
5. Relax in El Nido, Palawan - Phone: +63 917 654 3210, Website: www.elnidopalawan.com
